Before I continue to share my this week food adventure, firstly I am proud to announce that this food blog finally has its own OFFICIAL LOGO. Cheers for that. which herewith I am delighted to share it

Also this week I am delighted to share where I had made my food adventure this week more special by participating in a DAY TRIP in one of the provinces in Philippine ... BATAAN which this serve as my VERY FIRST OFFICIAL SPECIAL EDITION FOOD ADVENTURE.

The journey begins from the hearts of the busiest city, MAKATI and it took almost three hours for us to reach to the destination.

During the whole journey took place, we were entertained by this spacious green field lying grandly in the middle of the highway

Due to time constrains, we decided directly to these special place which been recommended by one of my workmate which claimed that there is "Hidden History" lies in the following city. And I was also been told that this place was been famous for its architectual and historical theme resort lies with this special name.....LAS CASAS FILIPINAS DE ACUZAR

The moment we arrived at this resort we've been greeted by the ancient uniformed guard at the main entrance before we may proceed enterring into their main reception hall

REMARKS : Please take note that this resort offer DAY TRIP as well besides providing HOTEL SERVICE. 

Attention : Upon entering, there is few questions that the guard in compliance for security purpose.

Once we were done with the questionaire, the guard will advising you the correct direction on how you may proceed to the reception hall

Upon arrival, we were truly amazed where the interior design was truly beyond our expectation as it was expected. Before we were able to continue the trip wandering what is in store that await us to visit in this promising resort, we were required to register ourselves. 

And since we were only here for day trip, we will be checking in at the "Registration Counter" (And shall you were staying there, they do prepared a separate counter for you to check in and to check out)

During the registration you will be greeted by the friendly staff where they were gladly to assist as well to explain the whole details and information that need to take note during this trip take place

The moment that you enterred into their main hall, get ready to be mesmerized there is a big window which shows the parts of the scenery of their location as well as spacious and welcoming waiting area welcomes you to have a quick chill moment after a long journey

I do also love their washroom where with just the architecture design itself. It makes this whole place looks more elegant and classy in its way itself

Withour further delay, we began our trip by waiting for their in-house jeepney where they will take us to the "Surpises" that awaits us and while we were waiting for the jeepney to arrive, we were amazed with the creativity of this resort where there is a tram car sitting there beautifully

And of course when there is a trip, SELFIE is a must as part of the initerary

And while the driver was taking us to the check point, most of us were lost of words as this resort was indeed offered a HUGE SURPRISES as each and single corner of their place is built in the historical way where each of their places represent the types of houses that it used to have way back in the ancient times

And since it was a super duper heaty at the same time as it is summer, we also managed to take a quick merienda (Tea-Time snacks in filipino) to quenched our thirst and to nourish back the lost "sugar level" in our body.

And before we say adios to this place officially, we've managed to go to their beach and also to captured an everlasting memory here by watching the sun sets as well to snatch a picture as a remembrance for our trip

Although the whole trip it was awesome, yet during our trip we also found out that there was some certain places is still in the midst of construction took place which I believe that they are in the midst to improvise their service to serve their patrons better. I do hope that there is a huge improvement the moment I return back again in the future

Before we headed back to reality, our trip was not ended easily as we were searching for the best dinner that may fill our stomach. And after I "stalked' through some of the blog page for some recommendation, we've decided that we will try this "Canteria" which it has been nominated as the MUST TRY restaurant in this province..... IMA FLORA'S PAMANGAN

The moment we entered into this eating house, we were welcomed with a simple wood walls and also their wood chairs and tables. Although their interior design was not grand, yet based on the patrons that is eating here we believe that that does not effect us to try their signatire dishes which been offered to their patrons that makes this eatery house famous.

As we see into their ulaman counter, it was just an ordinary filipino home cooked meal. Yet what we amazed about that is this eatery was managed to makes the ordinary dishes into a delicious, succulent and turn your visit totally worth it.

For our dinner we ordered their signature dishes such as PAKO SALAD, LECHON KAWAII, BEEF BULALO as well as their DAING NA BANGUS SERVED WITH SALTED EGG, FRESH ONIONS AND SLICED TOMATOES

The moment that the order been arrived, without hesitation we began to taste each and single dish that we ordered and it turns out all these house cooked delicacies is truly SUPERB


Most of us were really fell in love at the first bite with this salad as the fern leaves that they use is so fresh and with their combination of their atchara (Pickled papaya), onions, as well as the sliced tomatoes it mades this dish truly became as the most refreshing yet nutrious dish that we've had for our dinner.

Also what we do amazed and love about this salad is that their dressing sauces is so succulent. And as per owner, they used only the normal vinagrette sauce yet we could not able to smell any vinegar at all, that is because the secret is of their atchara which had covered the vinegar acidity so the moment we ate this salad there'll no heavy smell as well as the taste of the vinegar itself. KUDOS for the owner for their cooking skills


Since myself I am not really a pork eater (For health purpose), I've managed to ask my fellow workmates to try this dish and also to ask for their feedback. And most of them had commented that this Lechon is truly also indeed a good recommendation where the outside was really crunchy while the inner part it remains juicy and tender. 


In the beginning for me as a foreigner, The way usually eat this milk fish is by just deep fried and I will dip with black vinegar or black soya sauce and to top it off, I will add some garlic and some small red chillies to spice up the dipping sauce. 

But this dish totally changed my thought and also opens up my perspective that it can also be eat with such a basic ingredient that we have in the kitcchen. And I do totally fell IN LOVE with this dish is because the fish itself was not too oily PLUS at the same time with the saltiness derived from the salty egg and the crunchiness of the onions mixed together with the fresh tomatoes that is not to soury, it somehow turn this normal delicacy up to the next level


Although this native soup was originally from Tagaytay, yet the owner somehow managed to turns this Tagaytay delicacies become as one of the MUST HAVE dish in your order list. The servings of the beef bone marrow itself was so fresh and succulent plus the meat was cooked perfectly where it was neither too soft nor too hard to chew on it. 

Plus with the veggies that the owner used is also is did not overcooked which we managed to tasted the crunchiness of each of the veggies that offered in this soup. 

Could not forget as well the taste of this soup is awesome where there's peppery flavor on it which also the color of the broth itself is so clear. Recomended for those who really opt-ing for more healthy option yet with full nutrients.

And as per the owner, this eatery canteria has its success story as well as their glory days that makes their eatery house became so famous as of now proudly.

I was totally shocked where the owner mentioned to me that this eatery house was started back in the 1970's where it was established since the World War II era. 

And also what I truly amazed about this eatery house is during their involvement in eatery industry on the same year they just begin with a small eating area. And as year passed by they keep expanding as well with the current situation where more and more resorts are keep building up in the surrounding area, it was indeed a God blessings for them where most of the patrons will dine in at this place 

I do really glad and proud for their achievements that these eatery had contributed for decades from changing name till expanding their eatery house and during my stay for here four years I rarely found an eatery place where the tradition still keeps it's originality generation by generation and currently has been handled by her third future successor, Ms.Darlene which happily continuing this family tradition

Shall you were looking for buffet options, you may also consider this place as well as they do offer a buffet service from as low as PHP 200 (Excluding drinks), you may enjoy their home made cooked as much as you want. Yet as a part of saving the enviroment, this eatery place also playing their part that NO LEFTOVER ALLOWED policy applies for the buffet service and charges will be imposed shall it happens.

All I can say that I am really truly satisfied and I've had learned a lot from this trip where family always is the best recipe for a better life as well as it acts as the best ingredients that keep nurturing us to always be grateful and to face all the tribulations and challenges of life positively. 

I truly grateful for Ima Flora's Pamangan for gave me a most inspirational role model story for me in life. Maraming salamat po...





Ratings : 9/10 (Although the meal was just a simple home cooked meal, yet the owner managed to use her cretativity to turn it as the most scrumptious meal with just a simple ingredient)

–Advisory– This is based on my personal feedback and experience.


457, Linao Street, Alauli,
Pilar, Bataan

For more details, may visit and contact to their below sites for more details

Contact Number : 09985640275
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